Distant & Digital – Крупнейшая международная конференция по развитию сферы интеллектуальной собственности и LegalTech

IPChain Association and FIPS agreed to jointly develop the digital market for intellectual property rights

A bilateral cooperation agreement was signed by the IPChain Association and the Federal Institute of Industrial Property (FIPS) , a subordinate institution of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent). The document is intended to improve the automated protection and management of intellectual property in the digital environment, as well as to promote the development of mechanisms for data exchange and the involvement of new participants in the blockchain infrastructure.

The parties outlined areas for joint work. FIPS is to transfer the information of Rospatent about inventions, utility models, industrial designs, geographical indications, appellations of origin of goods, the rights to which are registered by this body, to the public network infrastructure for managing objects and intellectual property rights IPChain .

In turn, IPChain will provide Rospatent with access to information received from other federal executive bodies. The practice of working and making transactions with rights in IPChain will be recorded and transferred for the development of standards for interaction between market players, including for the development of the state information system “Turnover of Rights”.

When entering the global digital market, any industrial company inevitably faces issues of protecting intellectual property rights. This motivates applicants for the legal protection of exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization, said FIPS Director Oleg Neretin : “More and more often, entrepreneurs and inventors are filing applications electronically. FIPS provides an opportunity to use electronic interaction services when receiving a number of government services. Services operate around the clock. I am confident that interaction with IPChain will allow us to continue building a comfortable system for registration and circulation of rights in the digital environment . "

Going turn right and objects of intellectual property in digital form can only happen if the market operates on the principle of consolidating the efforts of all participants and open information exchange, the president IPChain Association, Chairman of the Committee of the Russian soy for Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) on intellectual property and creative industries Andrey Krichevsky: "Signing an agreement with FIPS - is not only a very important step in expanding the boundaries of long-term cooperation with Rospatent, but zna chimy step for a full transition of the national market turnover rights and intellectual property in the digital format. In fact, today Russia is becoming an international leader and trendsetter of the current stage of development of the digital intellectual property market . "

The partners also intend to develop mechanisms for the exchange of information and automatic state registration of rights to objects. By September 2021, the IPChain Association and FIPS undertake to determine the volume and structure of the data provided, after which the patent holders will be able to publish information about their developments.

Recall that Rospatent, whose subordinate institution is the Federal Institute of Industrial Property, became a partner of the IPChain Association in 20-18 , and before the signing of an agreement between FIPS and IPChain , only information about trademarks and computer programs was published online . To date, more than 759 thousand transactions have already been registered through the FIPS node.


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